Executive Search Online

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10 Ways to Survive Threats of Job Cuts in Your Workplace

It's a stressful time for many people at the moment, knowing that redundancies, job cuts and changes to working conditions are on the horizon. It's hitting people who never imagined they'd be unemployed, because work environments that were once considered completely secure are now being impacted by "economic necessities".
Are you living under a cloud at work, knowing that the loss of your job is a distinct possibility? Don't be prepared to just sit and wait. This is the time to be proactive, to take the opportunity to consider your future working life and to start making some decisions that may, or may not, be dependent on what happens with your job.
Don't live in the fear of what MIGHT happen! Instead try these ten tips and choose to make something positive come of this situation.
  1. "Keep calm and carry on". Regardless of the outcome you need to be able to hold your head up high and know you can be proud of your actions.
  2. Understand if your job is cut it isn't about you, it's about the job. Your self-esteem is very important in these circumstances.
  3. Recognise that this as a turning point in your career. Things won't be the same, regardless of the outcome for your current job.
  4. Consider what you really want to do. Seek help from a professional career coach to decide clearly on your career direction and the stepping stones to get there.
  5. Don't apply for jobs until you are clear about what you want to do. A scatter-gun approach to job search rarely works.
  6. Your resume must reflect the direction you want to take, and must be tailored to each individual job that you apply for.
  7. Consider your network and its power to uncover the hidden job market. Let people know your situation and what you are hoping to do.
  8. Be aware of what you are saying. You don't want things said in anger or upset to come back and bite you.
  9. Know yourself very well. Ensure that, whatever jobs you apply for, the work will allow you to be true to yourself in some way.
  10. Understand and use contemporary career search strategies such as the use of social media. Getting help from a professional career development practitioner can make all the difference.
Many people look back on the most tumultuous time in their working lives as being their turning point. Will you allow threats of job loss or redundancy to take over your life, or will you rise above the situation and make this your most significant turning point?
http://ClarityCareerManagement.com.au Jenni Proctor is a career strategist and coach. Clarity Career Management offers career management services to individuals, business and Educational Leaders. Visit us today to request our 7 day Refresh Your Career video series. http://achievecareerresults.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenni_Proctor

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7220607

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